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Reasons Of Fighting Between Dogs

true-dog ·


Why They Conflict

In order to identify in time a conflict brewing between dogs, it is useful to understand the psychology of pets. As a rule, dogs begin to fight when they do not share something: it may be food, territory, or the attention of a mate. Also, dogs are characterized by jealousy, so they can fight for the attention of their favorites among owners. And, of course, animals often attack to demonstrate their superiority. And it is vital to try to stop them

Competition for attention

During walks, dogs most often fight over toys or for the owner's attention. In any case, this behavior should not be encouraged, even if you are delighted that he is ready to stand up for you in front of other pets who also care about you.

In such a situation, you should not be smitten. It is important to immediately express your displeasure with a sharp command "ew!". After that, you can immediately arrange a short training session on working out the standard commands. It is good if the owner of the second participant in the conflict does the same. Only when the dogs begin to show obedience and a willingness to cooperate, you can let them go for a walk.

Jealousy and a desire for power can rule the dog in the home environment as well. Dominant pets often try to climb up the hierarchy in the family, involving the children in the conflict. If you have minors living with you who may not always be able to handle the dog themselves, you need to control his behavior more carefully and put him in his place. It is important that the dog understands that your child is hierarchically superior.

Other instincts

No matter how cute dogs are, it's also important to remember that they are descended from wolves and they still have a predator instinct. This is especially true of hunting dogs, but others may well chase cats, squirrels, rabbits, and other small animals.

Of course, such behavior should not be encouraged. If the dog has an active hunter and predator instinct and at the sight of small animals he growls and barks and tries to chase prey, you need to work on his behavior.

And if one day the pet snapped and did catch up with the prey, this could also become entrenched in his temperament. He will constantly chase small animals and possibly become more aggressive. Believe me, you won't have an easy time with him.

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