Mini Ep - Royal Rumble 2024 (R2WM w/ Malcolm)
Papa Culture ·
We're officially in Sign Pointing Season otherwise known as the Road to Wrestlemania. It starts every year at Royal Rumble. John is going to chat with Malcolm (7yo) to get his insights and reactions on what happens along this road. First stop: Royal Rumble 2024.
Note, this was recorded before Malcolm had a chance to watch the Feb 2nd Smackdown. Shoutout to Ellie (2yo) for various run-ins in the first part.
Another programming note: Anton and John are readers of the Image Comics book, Saga, by Brian K Vaughn and Fiona Staples. They're going to go back and re-read the book to reflect if the story hits different now with more years as fathers. Interesting in joining the convo?
Let us know! @papaculturepod