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Upload podcast

Upload, edit and share your podcast in seconds.

How to upload podcast in 3 easy steps

  1. 1. Upload an audio file
  2. 2. Add your episode name
  3. 3. Click publish and voilà!

Frequently asked questions

    • Can I cancel anytime? What happens?

      Yes! There are no long-term commitments or complicated contracts! If you decide that JustCast isn’t right for you, you can easily cancel your account from your dashboard at any time.

    • Is there any money back guarantee?

      Definitely, you have the option to cancel your subscription at any time. If you desire a refund, simply reach out to our support team, and we will gladly process it for you.

    • How many episode can I transcribe?

      We have usage based pricing, meaning that there's a plan for everyone depending on how much transcription and content you work with. e.g Starter comes with 200 minutes of podcast time per month.

    • Can I change my plan later on?

      Absolutely! You can upgrade or downgrade any plan at any time.

    • How do the feeds remain private?

      Your private feed is hidden from iTunes, Google, and only available to those with their own unique link.

    • What if I don't have audio versions of my videos yet?

      If your lessons lack audio versions, there's no need to worry! We've taken this into account and offer video-to-audio conversion with every plan

    • What do I do if I need help?

      We’re here to support you and your podcast. If you have questions or need help, we have a comprehensive help section and more importantly, we’re only a quick chat or email away.